
Welcome to our website. Thank you for showing interest in our school.We are privileged to educate 260 pupils aged 2 to 7, as we build upon our long tradition of excellence at our amazing school. The Minster Nursery and Infant School is a Church of England Academy within the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Multi-Academy Trust (SDBE MAT).

We are a two-form entry school. We can take up to 60 children in reception across two classes. Our nursery can take children from the age of two years. We offer mornings or afternoons and we have some children who stay for the full school day. We have a strong, inclusive Christian ethos.

We have one school rule: Let everything you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14. We teach children to love themselves, love each other and the world around them as an expression of God’s love.

When your child walks through our gates, they are guaranteed a warm welcome and a day packed full of exciting and inspirational learning. Through our Heaven to Earth curriculum, your child will learn through play, have opportunities to find solutions, develop their thinking, make friends and develop excellent social skills. They will develop their natural curiosity, enthusiasm and motivation to be happy and successful learners who are exceptionally well-prepared for their next phase of learning.

Our children love coming to school. We have designed our Heaven to Earth curriculum to suit the needs of our children as they grow and flourish in Croydon. They become determined, successful learners who are able to honour themselves and each other.

We know that great learning takes place within great, affirming relationships. Every child is confident that they belong here. Nurture is at the very heart of the school.

We are honourable in all that we do; treating everyone as though they are sons and daughters of the King of kings.

If you are a prospective parent, I hope you will come to see our beautiful school (and the amazing people in it!) on one of our tours. Please take a few minutes to explore the website to understand more about who we are and what we do.

I wish you every blessing as you make such an important decision about which school to send your child.

Mrs Alison Silke

Executive Head Teacher

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