Collective Worship at The Minster
Collective worship takes place every day and is always Christian in nature following a variety of themes. It is an inclusive time, enhancing the spirituality of all present as well as it sets the tone for the rest of the day.
Worship is seen as a special occasion, when members of the school community come together to celebrate and worship God. We expect children and staff to behave in an appropriate way and we ask them to be quiet and thoughtful and to listen carefully to the teachings and participate fully in prayer and songs, giving time for silent reflection and exploration of inner space. We create an appropriate atmosphere by using music and light a candle to act as a focal point for the attention of all. The content of our collective worship is based on Christian teachings and values, with the Bible at the centre and we follow the liturgical order of ‘gather, engage, respond and send.’ We conduct collective worship in a dignified and respectful way, ensuring that the experiences provided are relevant to the age, aptitude and family background of the children.