Minster News

Year 2 Science

In science Year 2 have started their new topic of ‘Materials’. This week we learned that objects are made from materials that suits their uses. We used our skills to…

Year 2 Mosque Visit!

Dear Parents and Carers, This half term in R.E., Year 2 are learning about ‘What does it mean to be a Muslim?’ To help support the childrens’ understanding of this…

Year 2 Maths

In Year 2 the children have been using resources to explore division by sharing. They did a great job making sure they had the right amounts and were usually able…

Year 2 Computing

In Year 2 during Computing, the explored programming using BeeBots. They practised giving instructions to each other, next they used arrow commands to record their own 4 step algorithms for…

Christingle service

Minster News
Thank you to everyone who joined us at Croydon Minster for our Christingle service. It was a lovely celebration. Thank you for all of the donations received for the Children’s…

Year 1 Art

In Art, Year 1 children created a piece of pointillism artwork – first on the computer, and then using paints. When finished, the children reflected on their work and experience…