Design & Technology at The Minster


Our aim for our DT curriculum is to develop the children’s abilities at being able to plan and make their own purposeful product out of a variety of resources using many different methods. During each topic, children will be given opportunities to develop their creativity and problem solving skills in an environment where their efforts are valued and they can flourish. Through following the Kapow scheme for DT, children will be able to build upon their prior learning to show what they know and can do whilst acquiring and developing new skills to help them become independent designers and makers.

Curriculum Overview

Our DT Curriculum covers four areas across the Early Years and KS1 Curriculum. These are Structures, Mechanisms, Textiles and Cooking and nutrition. In each of our topics, children are given time to look at and talk about existing products. They then plan their product and we encourage children’s creativity by allowing them to make it look however they want to whilst making sure it still meets the brief. Children use their prior skills and new skills to help them make their product. Once a product has been made, children then evaluate their product against the brief and understand that there are always ways it can be improved and that is a positive. When lessons are planned, they are planned in a logical sequence to ensure that prior learning is always being built upon.

In our Early Years, children are introduced to a variety of tools such as staplers, hole punchers, split pins and scissors. They use a range of materials to invent and create products based on their own interests. Children learn to investigate and engage with a range of materials and tools. Children are taught how to use the different tools safely.

In KS1, children build on the skills taught in the Early Years. They are introduced to a wider range of tools such as safety pins, pipe cleaners and needles to cut, join, shape and finish their products. Children learn the process of a making a product- plan; make; and evaluate. Key vocabulary is introduced and again, builds on throughout the Key Stage.

The whole school takes part in a DT Day where Cooking and nutrition is covered. Each year group has a different brief to follow which results in each child making their own food or drink item. During this day, children have the chance to try new foods to help decide what they want to use. Children gain an understanding of the basic principles of a healthy diet.

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Design & Technology Gallery:

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