Maths at The Minster

At the Minster Nursery and Infant school we have a vision for ‘All children to love maths and know they have the capacity to succeed.’ In this way we honour our children, regardless of background with an enjoyable learning experience that equips them for a future of opportunity.  We believe in the children and we support and encourage them to believe in themselves. We encourage a growth mind-set, where mistakes are a good basis for new learning. 

The content of our maths lessons is based on the National Curriculum and EYFS Early Learning Goals, using the ‘White Rose Mastery Curriculum’ as the structure around which we build our maths lessons. The progression of knowledge and skills have been carefully planned, building on prior learning in small steps to support all children towards the achievement of designated end of key stage goals. Lessons are adapted to the needs of the children. The children are given an understanding of number and the relationships and patterns important to mathematical understanding through using concrete manipulatives, moving onto pictorial and more abstract forms of calculation. From this basis they can develop fluency and problem solving skills. All children in Reception and KS1 follow the Mastering Number programme daily with 10-15 minutes fluency practice, to support the quick recall of number facts; this is in addition to their maths lessons which focus on using and applying those facts and developing their reasoning skills. We support the children as individuals in their mathematical journey to achieve their full potential.

Maths Gallery:

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